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Materials library

Interested in making, mixing and fabricating? Watch videos, here in our materials library, showing some of the techniques we use to mix, make and fabricate.


Process 1

Silicone rubber is precisely weighed and mixed to pour onto an object (in this case a stick).  Once the silicone rubber and catalyst are thoroughly mixed, they are put into a vacuum machine to remove the air.  The silicone mixture is then poured over the object as a first layer to preserve the detail.

Process 2

Pottery plaster can be mixed to make a detailed mould for casting.  The plaster and water are weighed precisely and carefully mixed by hand, creating a plaster mould.  Here a plaster mould of silicone hands was made so that the mould could be used for ceramics by artist [Jo Ball].

Process 3

Silicone moulds are a versatile way of creating a cast of particular objects while retaining detail. Here you can see the delicate process of opening a silicone mould.  Afterwards the mould is encased in a resin hard jacket which is then reconstructed for the artist to cast in the material of their choice.  This mould was used by artist [Jo Ball] to create a sculpture in soil.

All process videos were filmed and edited by Laurens Scott


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